Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Day 26th 4:20

Ok, so this morning I was getting irritated getting ready, irritated all morning till Jared came over....
Anyways, to make this all short, Jared and Andrew filled out a few applications while Chip was getting a job interview... and guess what? He got the job!! go chip!! yaaay

Anyways,.... so we all got on the bus to go downtown, and some weird guy was talking to us on the bus, and said that Brandon could be my lover.... if he had a million $ no offense, but I wouldnt date him if he had 5 million... to me its all about love, and getting along.... And he kept saying that I should be with chip or something like that, I just wanted to get up and cling onto Jared.... Than he said that Jared was a player!! went to the capital where they were doing the whole 4:20 shit, and almost as soon as we got there, Jared took me to Subway :] Than we went to the movies to see what time they were playing.... and we missed it. the next showing was at 7 pm =[

But we walked around and came back to the capital... and some guy walking by was all like 'do you know whats going on?' omg, really? Seriously?

haha... Oh, I forgot to mention, I totally saved Jared's ass from a bus haha.
[im too tired to write about all of today]

Um lets see, everyone was smoking..... there was a huge ass crowd,.... there was this guy making balloon stuffs.... I really wanted one.... We found Brandon and Andrew...... Brandon still gets on my nerves.....

um..... I got to hold jared's hand almost all daaayyyy :]
er.... We went to subway again, went to the skate park, than Me and Jared left and went to the movies <333 ^-^
Saw Alice In Wonderland.....
I liked it.... I think it could have had a little bit more crazy-cool-ness but oh well.

And I got to lay on his lap the whole time,...
And Im totally sounding lame right now xD
Which reminds me... he takes his laptop outside to talk to me when he goes to smoke a cig... how cute??? ^-^
Ok, I don wanna hear how cute it is from anyone else especially from chip, cause it HELLA makes me blush

Lets see.... we went to this bar place thingy and they had a few beers, and we had some fricken good nachos
And Brandon still pisses me off....
I think that was the only bad part of my day, was the fact that day by day brandon makes me more and more upset,... love him, but sometimes I just wanna put tape over his mouth haha. stupid brother of mine.

lets see..... idk what else happened today, but it was HELLA fun. And, idk, I was fricken happy....
All I can say is 'I cant wait to see him again....' ='( But I wish I could now lol

Day 26
I didnt smoke, never have, never will
No answer from Bass
Jared makes me happy :] and hes super silly and cute lol
My dad got printer paper, so I'll be printing, and posting lots of pictures in my room...
and making dreads all day tomorrow...
And ima see if I can still skate, so I can show Jared that I can too skate....
just too afraid to fall

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