Saturday, April 10, 2010

12, 13, 14, 15

Ok, so I keep forgetting to update.... but whatever, this is more for myself I guess.....

Well I cant tell you what has been happening because I cant remember....
Thursday I hung out with my friend Rics.... we went shopping.... and I spent WAY too much money on clothes. but hey, it was a once in a life time thing.
Than later that night My friend Brandon called, and said he was homeless again, so I offered to help him out..... after asking if it was fine with my dad.
Than that night when i was getting ready for bed, my ex decided to text me... of course... he was drunk.... That didnt end so well.... More like me in tears.

So friday, I went to the dmv, passed my written test, missing 3, but we didnt have my birth certificate so I couldnt get my permit. Bummer... that means we have to spend another 2 hours waiting again.
We went down to get my dad his check from the layer, and I went shopping again by myself downtown. [we were in the springs at this time]
than we went to go pick up Brandon, and during that time, me and an ex were doing nothing but fighting. [donnie]
But we're solving things now, which is kinda scary, considering that he wants me back, I miss him, but there is the whole trust thing....
anyways, we all than went and bought a new huge t.v. for my dad, and a printer for me.
we went home, and settled down.
I've been having dreams lately, that had to do with either Ronnie, or Bass....
And I've also been having dreams with my mom. I dont know what they mean...
I just wish that one day things will be alright between me and Ronnie & Bass

This morning, which would be the 15th day, I called Bass.... and his phone was actually back on... just... not on on, if you know what I mean.
Like his bill was paid for.... it was just off.

Day 15....
No word from Bass still....
Good morning life

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