Thursday, May 27, 2010

Day 60, 61, 62

Day 60 [Monday]
I cant really remember what was going on that day, but the boys ended up waking up late, and not coming over, so I planned it for the next day.....
So monday I decided to make some dreads and ended up watching a movie with my dad.

The Hurt locker
it was a really good movie, but kind of confusing..... confusing was the kid part. They didnt even show anything about what was going on with the kid...
and the sad part was the guy who had children, and got killed by a bomb strapped on him. At least the guy tried to get it off of him.

Than some kid tried telling me I dont know anything about goth.... well that was a horrible conversation. Sure I dont know EVERYTHING and I dont know much about music because I dont listen to a lot of music, its the fashion that Im REALLY into.... And if your going to have a clothing store, thats what really matters.... Besides, Richie would be the music person, so im not too worried,... and Ronnie knows a LOT about the culture.... well at least one part of the culture.... But Im still going to do a lot of research anyways.

Day 61 [Tuesday]
I woke up, got online for a bit, than finished a few more dreads as Andrew and Chip were blowing up my phone about when to come over, which I said 3, because Jared wanted to be here to make sure everything went alright.... and was getting upset cause his work was taking a lot longer than he thought it was, and by the time he was done, his dad couldnt pick him up, so I went to the office and printed some stuff out, and headed back home... Jared was like hecka pissed that I was letting the boys come over without him there, but I didnt want to put this off more and more....

so when the boys came over and grabbed their stuff, Chip did something to try and make me look stupid, which didnt work, so I just said whatever... hes hella stupid for thinking that I believed him. Thats the thing about me, if people think im stupid, I'll just shut up and get back at them later on. I hate stupid people..... Especially chip. God those two boys make me so mad. I cant wait till they get out of my life 100% And you know what? They could go die for all I care.

Anyways, after they left I told Chip that I wasnt stupid, and than he started throwing a stupid little kid's fit about this and that, and omg, he is soooo stupid. I finally told him that Andrew was gonna send Kayla the pictures of him and this girl,... and he didnt respond after that. fucking bitch,..... see, your the stupid one. you think Andrew is your friend.... he isnt. We are all not friends you dumb ass.....

anyways after a while my dad came home after I did the dishes and such.... and than Jared came over, only he told me to go meet him at the bus stop, so when I walked over there, he walked a different way, I stood there like an idiot till I was like 'where the fuck are you?!?!'

his response 'at your house' omg, that hella pissed me off.... but whatever. My dad took us to the mall, I got a fish taco, than we went to red robins... it was... meh... I got nachos.... it was a mexican night for me I guess...
than we went around shopping for a lil, but I didnt see much of what I wanted... gr.

anyways, my dad picked us up, and dropped Jared off, and we went back home....
My dad agreed to take us over to this one spot that me and Jared wanted to shoot way early in the morning... yay.

So I went home looked for a bunch of pictures, asked Jared to bring his camera, tripod, and clothes, his black shirt.... EVEN IF IT WASNT CLEAN!!! because not like it REALLY mattered, he was just going to wear it for the shoot....

Day 62 [Wednesday]
Jared text me early in the morning,...
guess what?
He didnt bring his camera, he didnt bring his clothes,... AND HE DIDNT BRING HIS TRIPOD!!!!
ugh, I was soooo upset.......
But whatever....
not really whatever, it kinda ruined the whole thing.....
but yea.
so I tossed my clothes in the drying to dewrinkle, got ready, and yea, than Jared got here...
so quickly I showed him the pictures, than we were off....
It was more of a drive than I thought it was but we got there.... We took pictures for like 3 hours! it felt like forever, but it was kinda fun... interesting, COLD!!! It wouldnt have been that bad if I had towels, but I didnt think to bring them, and my backpack was full enough already.... so after the 3 hours of messing around, we walked to the bus stop, which felt like forever lol.
Than we stopped at ihop, got breakfast... it was kinda funny... we both got stuffed french toast, both got scrambled eggs, and both got sausage,.. both said 'bacon' first, when we meant to say sausage... but he got strawberry and I got blue berry :] I like blueberries, than walked to the next bus stop... Jared's ankle was hurting HELL OF A LOT and I felt so bad for him.
after that we went home, and took a few hour nap.... got up, than started watching The Hurt Locker [yes, second time for me but Jared wanted to watch it] and after that...... it was time to go home =[
I hate this part of the day.... as soon as we get to his house it seems like time goes by sooo fast... and it sucks.
and this time I had to ride the bus alone.... he road it with me part way... which Im happy for cause I would have so gotten lost.... we talked a little bit about his past with Jennifer....
but when I got on the next bus, my dad called... he didnt want me riding the bus alone, and Jared kept insisting that he came with me to not ride the bus alone, but he would have missed his ride home...
but when I got off... I waited for a little over an hour, in the cold... I had to use my fricken scarf!!! but I got home, and Mathew started texting me cause I wanted to know if he was still planning of shooting tomorrow. God he is so stupid... and such an immature photographer. I hate how photographers think they are professional when they suck ass..... Or dont want escorts... how lame. And he was a 'so called friend' too... I keep running into these so called friends all the time....
whatever, his loss....

anyways, I finally got home! yay.

Day 63 [this morning]
Damien called me! Yay. He said he had been working all night, and hadnt gone to sleep yet, but felt the need to call me, and said I can call any time after 9 on his new cell... and that he wanted me to come and visit next month. what a great way to wake up :]

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