Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Rave's Oh My Goth

This one kid said he was lucky and got hired at 'Raves Oh My Goth'
Boy,.... I do not find that lucky....
I do not see why anyone shops there.... she has very little things that I dont see on "Lip-Service.com"
Like, thats almost all her store carries as for clothing....
Another thing... Raven, the owner of that store, seems to talk 'shit' about the people that work for her, calling them stupid, slow, retarded....
That is not how someone should be talking... about ANYONE especially when there are customers in the store...
One day she was even talking bad to me....
I WILL NOT walk into that store if she is around....
She has one employee who works for her who is super nice, and says 'raven is nice, you just got to get to know her'
Well... the customers do not always wish to get to know a cranky old lady....
that is one good way to loose your customers super fast...

I mean, I'd rather have my own store, or shop online instead of ever going back to her store...
when you have customers... you keep your mouth shut, put on a smile, and wait till they leave....

Jared and I were talking the other day, how it sucks if you own a business or are the boss, or manager... you always gotta put on a smiling face, even to a complaining customer... or you will loose people....
even if you dont like it.... You GOTTA do it.....

If I had my own store, and was a ritch person... I'd probably have a way better store than her.... due to the fact that I know how to advertise, and I know how to be polite!

What customer wants to know that you called someone retarded?
so boy,... if you think your LUCKY for working there... better watch your back... she's probably already talking shit about your looks... the way you talk, the way you dress, how fast you work, and everything...

luck is not on your side.... your working for the devil now

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