Monday, January 31, 2011

Never Loved

Why does it matter to you if I ever loved you or not when your the one who never loved me.
I love you, but im not in love with you.
Why would I try and get back with someone who doesnt love me, doesnt want to be with me, and is trying to hurt me?
That sounds like a stupid idea. Like you said, getting back with an ex is taking a step back, not forward.
Just TALKING to you is taking a step back.
Your such a lier... saying your not talking to Jena much, saying your not dating her, or hooked up with her...
im not stupid Jared.
So do us both a favor.... go fuck off, and never talk to me again!
stop reading my stuff.
Your not worried about me.
And why did you have to go and look up who Tom was?
Stay out of my life. You dont want to be apart of it, so start acting like you dont!
Im not wraped around your finger anymore Jared, sorry to burst your bubbles.
I love you, doesnt mean im over you....
but your over me, I can tell. you just like to be on top.
Im moving on, meaning Im going to try and live a life now.
You didnt care I was in the hospital, when I couldnt see a life without you, you didnt even ask how I was, you just automatically started fighting the day I got out.
So if anyone loved in the relationship, it was me. At least I never lied to you. And here you are, still lying your ass off.
Im so tired of fakes like you.
So dont text me ever again for something so fucking stupid.

p.s. dont forget to read the blog below.

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