Tuesday, January 25, 2011


My stupid cat chewed on my mic wire....
Yesterday.... while I was at work....
I was wondering why Jared couldnt hear me when I was telling him to leave me the fuck alone while I was playing COD....
Somehow... we were in the same lobby playing free for all....
Why he was there, idk....
How we ended up together,.... idk....
So I was going to buy Black ops, but realized I didnt have enough gas for this week... so my $60 is going to gas.... well, part of it....
the other part is going to a new fucking mic.
idk if best buy will be open when I get home from work.... or gamestop..... idk if those are even cheaper prices than walmart..... so I guess i'll just have to go to walmart tonight.
My salamanders are getting their spots, and are really pretty....
idk if Im supposed to have 3 in a cage at once, if thats safe or not....
I hope that's fine.....
If not, I dont want to give one away to scales n' tails....
but idk what i'd do.....
They have been really active lately....
I need to clean their tank but I gave Jared back his bucket.....
I want him out of my mind, but its like every morning I see something that reminds him of me....
Like I saw Starr post something about who your music heros are.... and I was going to post on there, and saw Jared had posted on there....
yesterday morning it was stupid people who commented on his video... bad mouthing him....
than the day before he left me a message.....

things just need to stop poping up so I can move on, not think about him, and be happy!!!!!!!
but that'll never happen. I hope it does tho....
I just want to forget everything.... because if I dont, I'll keep crying....
And I want my crying days to be over.

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