Friday, December 31, 2010

new year's resolution 2011

I can already see this list getting long
I hope this is going to be a great year. I hope it will be. I have a feeling that it will get better. It might start out slow, but I will try my best to make this a great year! Im tired of my old self, and need to move forward!

Derrick Butcher... my ex. [one of them] He was dating me before my mom got cancer.
He said I was a great person, and from what I can remember, I was always happy, cheerful, and fun. I still didnt smile as much as everyone else, but I was happy. Even when I lived in that stupid closet, I was nice...
He said as soon as my mom got cancer, I changed.... I was different, and I dont think I have ever gone back to the person I was, untill I moved to Turlock. I had friends there who changed me, but as soon as I moved, I went back to my old self.

So 2011... lets start over. I cant dwell on the past so much. I will miss my mom being there for me, and for me being there for her. I will miss having a mother to go out with, and have fun with, but I need to live a life again.

so here is my new year's resolution 2011!!!!!

1. Find the right guy, or work things out.... I want to be treated right.
2. get good at hooping... maybe hopefully preform =]
3. get a good job. work as a nurse assistant, and have a successful store.
4. make a store online... real store... not fb =p
5. BE HAPPY!!!
6. Be a successful model.
7. own my own apartment!!!!! With a basement! =p So I can have a studio
8. work on being a photographer
9. Get good a cooking!!! No one wants to date a girl who cant cook =p
10. stop being so shy!!!! That will be the hardest to do I think.
11. work out? maybe? sorta... have a tone body =]
12. learn how to control my anger better. i've been doing somewhat of a good-ish job already
13. Be good at orbiting? I guess lol
14. make good money, some how, some way
15. become a wardrobe stylist
16. be more helpful to others.
17. make lots of friends! [that goes with stop being shy]
18. be fun, classy, exciting, adventurous... I'd say sexy, but thats no ones business j/k j/k
19. Be Adventurous [i know I already said it] but try new things... things I think I wont like.
20. dont care about what others think. [goes with above... trying new things is something I dont like cause I dont want others to think im stupid if I cant do it]
21. beat a boy at some 'guy' video game =p I dont wanna be 'girly' at anything anymore...
22. get another pet... like a dog =] Once I have a place.. and money =/
23. Learn how to do artful stuff =]
24. Be giving [already am] so I guess I should say 'stay giving'
26. Care about myself [like, love who I am]
27. re-learn how to play the violin
28. Clean more! & Be more organized!
29. Be more secure... not insecure. Stop thinking so much =p
30. Be myself... It sounds like im trying to change who I am, and those things will happen, but I will have down falls... I will always be myself

p.s. 31. Get back into dancing... on stage... It was my passion... and I'd like to get back into doing it again

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